Tuesday, February 15, 2011

'Tis The Season For Some Readin - 2011 Challenges!

For those who don't know me, I have a slight touch of ADD(my little brother was also blessed with the H, but fortunately I'm just scattered, not scattered AND hyperactive!). A large part of how this affects me is that I have a tough time following through, hopping from task to task, project to project, interest to interest. Hmmm, I wonder if this has anything to do with my sporadic blog posting?

Reading is something that I have loved since the day I came home from Kindergarten telling my dad that there was a boy a school who knew how to read, so naturally I must learn how to read as well. Unfortunately, books and reading are like everything else, and must share their precious time with my other scatterings. One great thing about living in a very small town with very long, cold, dark winters is that I usually tend to read much more during this season. This year though, I am taking the initiative to keep up with not just reading, but my other interests for....deep breath...all year. So, I have challenged myself with a few goals for the year:

Reading Goals

- 50 Books for 2011, complete with counter to keep me motivated and excited to see the numbers go up!
- Write a review for at least half of my books read in 2011
- Give away at least 10 books that I've enjoyed to friends/colleagues, to hopefully get some folks around me able to have some great book conversations!


- Post at least two blog posts per week
- Only one post per week can be a review...must be creative and stretch the brain muscles a bit more


- Complete both scarves that I have started so far this year!
- Finish my best friend's daughter's baby blanket...before her 2nd birthday in October.
- Learn how to knit something that is not just some variation of a square(aka - no scarves, coasters, dish towels, blankets, etc)
- Crochet a hat that actually fits my head :o)

New Things I've Been Planning to Do

- Finish my guitar instruction book and DVD, and be able to play at least 3 songs from memory
- Actually take the pottery class I talk about every year!

Gettin Out!
- Go to at least 3 places on my local "To Visit" list
- Take vacation to somewhere that neither Bryan nor I have been
- Hike! I'm going to keep track of what I do from May-September, and the goal is to average 5 miles per week for the summer
- Try a new outdoor activity(I have a sneaking feeling this will end up being hunting with the boys, but still undecided on that one!)

Whew, I've got quite the 10 1/2 months ahead of me...wish me luck!!

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